Credit can be hard to understand, after all we don’t learn about in school. This confusion is often made worse by common misconceptions you hear from well meaning friends and family. VIDrives is a dedicated team of credit, financing and vehicle specialists that are here to help you understand, navigate and improve your credit– Read on for our guide to the top 6 Credit Myths. Myth #1: Checking...

Here on the Island, we’re lucky enough to (usually) have our winter delayed until around late November, still it’s better to be prepared for the cold weather before you’re caught in a snowstorm. Here are some easy steps that you can take to take care of your vehicle, so it can take care of you this winter.
Step 1: Seasonal Maintenance Check Up
Vehicle Maintenance isn’t seasonal, but as the weather get’s colder and the rain get’s heavier- it’s important to take extra care.
At your next oil change, ask your regular service department to checkout your:
- Battery Strength
- Electrical Systems
- Belts and Hoses
- Heating and Cooling Syste
- Brakes and Braking System
- Fluids (Antifreeze, Brake Fluid, Wiper Fluid etc.)
- Lights
- Fuses
Step 2: Make sure your tires are up to the task.
In BC Winter Driving Laws go into effect on October 1st, on some highways that means you’ll need winter tires.
Winter tires provide shorter stopping distance and better traction control when the roads are hazardous, but they wear down faster during warmer days. When you make your appointment for a winter maintenance check-up, let them know you want to install your winter tires, if you don’t have winter tires most service departments can find some for you!
Step 3: Keep it Clean
We know washing you car in the winter isn’t fun, but it’s important to keep your vehicle in top shape. slushy snow and rock salt can damage the bodywork and paint on your car, to prevent this- make sure you’re cleaning the painted part of your car and the underside to prevent rust and paint damage, to keep it protected longer consider a wax or an undercoat.
Check our our guide to cleaning your own ride.
Step 4: Replace your wiper blades
Snow is heavy, and winter blades make pushing snow and ice much easier. Check your owners manual for which types of winter blades are the best fit for your car, or swap your blades during your winter maintenance check-up. As an added bonus they heavier duty blades will be helpful for fall and spring showers.
Step 5: Prepare a Winter Emergency Kit
All the steps mentioned above can be helpful for avoiding breakdowns, flat tires, and collisions but in the event that something happens you and your passengers can be left stranded out in the cold waiting for help.
At minimum your vehicle should have:
- Jumper Cables or Booster Pack
- Jerry Can with Extra Fuel
- Water or Antifreeze (for the car)
- Bottled Water and Granola Bars
- Flashlight
- Warm Blanket, Gloves and Extra Socks
If you're worried about the safety or reliability of your vehicle this winter, we can help you upgrade!
Contact us to get started today!
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